Sustainability Report

This report provides insight into the progress Alcyone made on sustainability, which is how we create long-term value as a listed company. Alcyone takes its responsibility seriously when it comes to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.

For a better world

Alcyone has been steadily improving its annual sustainability reporting in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) since 2022. In the annual report for 2025, we are legally obliged to comply with these EU reporting requirements. The European Commission intends to use the CSRD to align companies’ ESG reporting with their financial reporting. This will allow stakeholders to assess the economic activities of companies on an equal basis and get a better idea of the extent to which they are creating sustainable financial and non-financial value. Following the CSRD, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has developed the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The ESRS, published by the European Commission on 31 July 2023, forms the basis for this sustainability report for 2023. The reporting is factual in nature and includes 43 sustainability reporting requirements. For each section, the ESRS coding of the reporting requirement shows between brackets in the title. This report covers the double materiality assessment process, which Alcyone has launched according to the general requirements of ESRS 1. A double materiality assessment not only looks at the impact of Alcyone’s activities on people and the environment, but also the positive or negative financial impact of these topics on Alcyone. Responsibilities are identified, and sustainability governance and CSRD sustainability reporting are broadly anchored in Alcyone. We will continue to monitor and validate the material topics with our stakeholders in 2024.

Over the coming years, we will make our sustainability reporting more complete every year. We embrace the CSRD as an opportunity to increase the rate for adopting sustainability practises and to increase our knowledge and insights using relevant metrics. This also takes the reports to a higher level, ensuring that they comply with the CSRD legal reporting requirements from FY 2025.

List of CSRD/ESRS disclosure requirements included in the 2023 Alcyone annual report:

General information


General disclosures


General basis for preparation of the sustainability statements


Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances


The role of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies


Information provided to and sustainability matters addressed by the undertaking’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies


Integration of sustainability-related performance in incentive schemes


Statement on due diligence


Risk management and internal controls over sustainability reporting


Strategy, business model and value chain


Interests and views of stakeholders


Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model


Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities


Disclosure requirements in ESRS covered by the undertaking’s sustainability statement

MDR Certification


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters


Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets



Climate change


Transition plan for climate change mitigation


Actions and resources in relation to climate change policies


Energy consumption and mix


Gross Scopes 1, 2, 3 and Total GHG emissions


Biodiversity and ecosystems


Transition plan and consideration of biodiversity and ecosystems in strategy and business model


Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model


Policies related to biodiversity and ecosystems


Actions and resources related to biodiversity and ecosystems


Targets related to biodiversity and ecosystems


Impact metrics related to biodiversity and ecosystems change


Resource use and circular economy


Policies related to resource use and circular economy


Actions and resources related to resource use and circular economy


Targets related to resource use and circular economy


Resource inflows


Resource outflows



Own workforce


Policies related to own workforce


Processes for engaging with own workers and workers’ representatives about impacts


Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for own workers to raise concerns


Taking action on material impacts on own workforce, and approaches to mitigating material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to own workforce, and effectiveness of those actions


Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities


Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees


Characteristics of non-employee workers in the undertaking’s own workforce


Training and skills development metrics


Health and safety metrics



Business conduct


Corporate culture and business conduct policies


Prevention and detection of corruption and bribery


Confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery


Political influence and lobbying activities

General disclosures (ESRS2)

General basis for preparation of the sustainability statements (BP-1)

Our sustainability statements are prepared based off of the materiality analysis we conducted. We provided details on our organization, our approach to the materiality analysis, our outcomes, and compliancy measures.

Listed in the report are information on the organization, an outline of our materiality process, identification of stakeholders, the European Sustainability Reporting Standards, stakeholder input with benchmarking, our materiality matrices, information regarding our financial materiality, a description of how our interviews were conducted, an assessment of our risks and opportunities and corresponding strategic plan, key insights gained from our process, and concluding ideas.

The information presented was gathered in various fashions. Initially, desk research was conducted to assist in identifying stakeholders. These stakeholders were organized according to relationship type by a team of employees from multiple departments. An online survey was then conducted asking the identified stakeholders about the importance of certain sustainability topics in accordance to ESRS. The resulting data was then used to create our materiality matrices and to assess our risks and opportunities.

Our sustainability statements are compiled based on a group view. Both internal and external stakeholders were involved in our materiality analysis process, which is reflected in the statements provided. Multiple reporting specialists from different departments within the organization took accountability for conducting and reporting in the materiality analysis process.

The stakeholders considered in this statement are suppliers, clients and customers, financial institutions, business partners, government bodies, investors, knowledge thinktanks, and competitors.

Our sustainability issues were chosen based on the ESRS sustainability topics. These topics were presented to identified stakeholders in the form of an online survey. Stakeholders were asked to rank the topics importance in relevance to the organization.

The statements were filled out to the best of our abilities, including all knowledge gained through the process. Any missing information is a result of human error.

We consider stakeholder involvement in business activity using a team of co-workers. These co-workers come from different departments and hold varying backgrounds of expertise. Included in the team are members who have worked closely with varying types of stakeholders, sufficient time working in the sustainability and data fields, and working knowledge of the organization’s business practices. All team members have a clear understanding of the relationships between each stakeholder and the organization.

Our stakeholders provided their input on the relevancy of the given ESRS sustainability topics to the organization's operations. This input was measured using a numeric scale, which provided quantitative data output. The data was used to create the materiality matrices, as well as in the assessment of the organization’s sustainability as a whole.

Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances (BP-2)

In the context of sustainability reporting, in accordance with ESRS 1, paragraph 77 short-term means less than one year, medium-term means one to five years and long-term means more than five years.

The role of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies (GOV-1)

Our administrative group is made up of our consultants and internal team members. This group is self-managed and follows a structured process established by the team prior to conduction. The group is supervised by the organization’s C-Suite.

The team is familiar with the organization’s risks and opportunities and is responsible for bringing topics up to senior-level management. They are provided with opportunities to do so during bi-weekly company-wide meetings, as well as monthly sprint days. Management takes note of this, and after discussion passes decisions along to internal project managers.

The team has varying backgrounds and amounts of expertise on sustainability topics. However, all team members are working on sustainability efforts for client organizations, and sustainability efforts are promoted throughout the organization. Therefore, all team members have at least a base-level understanding of sustainability.

The team is composed of both executive and non-executive members.



Number of executive members



Number of non-executive members



The team is representative of the employees in the organization’s workforce. Everyone at the company is included in management and administrative action. Therefore 100% of the company is accurately represented.

The team all has previous industry experience, as all members have relevant sustainability expertise despite their varying backgrounds. Products are developed in house by the team. All team members reside in the Netherlands.

The team is made up of 30% men and 70% women. The two supervising bodies are both female. The team is made up of 50% Dutch natives and 50% foreign workers. 100% of the team is white.



Percentage of members of administrative, management and supervisory bodies



Everday oversight is conducted internally and follows a checks and balances system. When tasks are completed, they are checked by peers of the same level or direct reports within the company. Oversight of long-term projects is done by the development department and the C-Suite.

The company is a start-up and prides itself on its commitment to inspiring innovation. Employees at all levels are encouraged to come forth with ideas and be a part of the growth of the company. Therefore, checks and balances in oversight is the best fit for this company, since responsibility is spread throughout the team.

A team of employees conducts a materiality analysis, where sustainability measures are chosen based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards and ranked based on stakeholder input.  The results are presented to the company, and then risks and opportunities are assessed to create strategies. These strategic plans are carried out by development and are overseen by C-Suite.

The team follows a checks and balances system where employees keep one another accountable. Reporting lines are indirect, as the company has no clearly defined departments. Therefore, employees formally report to C-Suite, and informally to one another. Procedures are defined based on the task at hand, where a point of contact is deemed responsible, and others are brought onto the team when needed. This system is currently followed for all internal functions.

Overseeing bodies have created metrics to measure impacts from activities based on materiality analysis. These are measured using automated processes, funnelled into an automated impact dashboard created by the company. The dashboard is presented company-wide on a monthly basis.

All overseeing bodies have a high level of sustainability-related expertise. The company itself centers around ESG reporting, giving all employees at least a foundational understanding of sustainability topics. The company also has consistent ongoing efforts to work towards more sustainable business practices, which is transparent to employees as well as other stakeholders.

The company benefits from this sustainability-related expertise as we are able to expedite our internal sustainability strategy and achieve more of our projected goals.

Our C-Suite is made up of our two founders, who both held industry experience prior to starting the company. In the three years of the company’s existence, they consistently reflect on strategy, risks and opportunities, and KPIs. This information is then conveyed to the rest of the team on a regular basis, ensuring that all employees are able to oversee one another’s internal sustainability initiatives.

The overseeing bodies integrate team-wide opportunities for sustainability updates into internal processes. This includes monthly presentations of internal sustainability project progress, circulating new policy updates to employees over multiple digital platforms, and encouraging employees to live sustainable lifestyles while at work.

These opportunities were implemented by C-Suite in throughout the creation of their company to continuously promote sustainability initiatives for the organization. New initiatives stem from the materiality analysis conducted, or through internal suggested. C-Suite then works with development to implement the sustainability initiatives into business practices.

Information provided to and sustainability matters addressed by the undertaking’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies (GOV-2)

Since the company is focused on products and services assisting in sustainability efforts, keeping up to date on sustainability topics is integral to the company’s success both internally and externally. This is why initiatives to keep the entire team updated on sustainability developments is prioritized by the C-Suite.

Alcyone’s management is regularly briefed on sustainability matters through monthly meetings and quarterly reports. These sessions cover the latest developments, client feedback, and performance metrics related to our sustainability initiatives. During the reported period, key discussions revolved around the expansion of our ESG reporting tools, feedback from target sectors, and the environmental footprint of our digital operations. Management's active involvement ensures that decisions are informed, strategic, and aligned with our overarching sustainability goals.

  • Expansion and refinement of ESG reporting tools.

  • Client feedback and insights from sectors like horticulture and fashion.

  • Environmental footprint of Move to Impact's digital operations.

  • Strategies for deeper engagement in European sustainability mandates.

  • Feedback mechanisms and stakeholder engagement in sustainability initiatives.

  • Exploration of greener infrastructure solutions for digital platforms.

  • Challenges and opportunities in the evolving regulatory landscape of the EU.

Alcyone’s leadership team has instituted robust mechanisms to ensure diligent tracking of progress towards sustainability goals. They employ a combination of platform analytics, client feedback systems, and regular internal reviews. Monthly and quarterly reporting structures are in place, allowing for a consistent evaluation of performance metrics. Any deviations from targets prompt immediate discussions, ensuring timely interventions. This systematic approach ensures that the company remains aligned with its sustainability objectives and can make informed decisions based on accurate data.

Integration of sustainability-related performance in incentive schemes (GOV-3)

Sustainability goals are included in Alcyone’s annual targets (Objectives, Goals, Strategy and Measures – OGSM) for 2023. The variable remuneration for the Management Board, Management Team and other members of senior management in 2023 was based on the overall strategic objectives and financial performance. Members of the Supervisory Board do not receive variable remuneration. Our remuneration policy is set out in the ‘Governance’ section.

Statement on due diligence (GOV-4)

In 2023 Alcyone set up a process to integrate "HR Due Diligence" into the procurement domain. A start has been made on strengthening awareness within Procurement and updating the risk analysis on the violation of labour and human rights in the chain. As a follow-up to this risk assessment, the measures will also be redetermined. The monitoring of human rights in the supply chain was expanded in 2023 by carrying out more audits of suppliers. There will be communication with fellow business partners and with suppliers in the chain about the introduction of the CSRD and the actions to make human rights in the chain more transparent and safeguarded. For components composed of many parts from the Annual Report 2023. A creditworthy company with a solid return is sometimes difficult to obtain a clear picture of the entire chain. On the other hand, our suppliers are often large Dutch companies that are also in the process of implementing human rights legislation. The introduction of the HRDD in the supply chain is a continuous process to organise the monitoring of human rights in accordance with international law throughout the chain and to take measures to correct violations where necessary. With the implementation of awareness, risk management, monitoring, corrective mechanisms and supply chain cooperation, Alcyone complies with labour and human rights due diligence as required under the EU Taxonomy Minimum Guarantees.

Risk management and internal controls over sustainability reporting (GOV-5)

Alcyone employs a rigorous risk management approach for sustainability reporting. We ensure data accuracy through regular audits and cross-referencing with multiple sources. A dedicated team reviews all reports before dissemination to identify discrepancies or potential misinterpretations. External experts are occasionally consulted to validate our findings and ensure alignment with industry best practices. This meticulous process minimizes the risks of errors or omissions and ensures that our sustainability reporting remains transparent, accurate, and credible.

Alcyone employs a proactive approach to risk identification. Regular stakeholder feedback sessions, both internal and external, are used to gather insights and pinpoint emerging challenges. We also monitor regulatory changes, especially within the European context, to anticipate potential compliance risks. Industry trends, technological shifts, and market dynamics are continuously analyzed to highlight potential threats to our operations or strategy. This multi-faceted approach ensures that risks are identified early, allowing for timely mitigation strategies.

Alcyone prioritizes accuracy and reliability in sustainability reporting. Once potential risks are identified, dedicated teams develop and implement mitigation strategies. Regular data audits are conducted to validate the accuracy of our findings. Before any report is disseminated, it undergoes multiple layers of review to catch discrepancies. We also invest in training our staff on the latest industry standards and best practices. This rigorous process ensures our sustainability reporting remains not only accurate but also reflective of the highest industry standards.

Strategy, business model and value chain (SBM-1)

In 2023, Alcyone refined its strategic direction to align with evolving market demands and sustainability goals. Our business model focuses on delivering high-quality, environmentally conscious products, leveraging technology and strategic partnerships to enhance value for our stakeholders. The value chain at Alcyone is streamlined to ensure efficiency from raw material sourcing to customer delivery, emphasizing ethical practices, innovation, and customer satisfaction at every step. By integrating our strategy with a dynamic business model and an optimized value chain, Alcyone continues to create lasting value and strengthen its competitive advantage.

Interests and views of stakeholders (SBM-2)

Our stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, investors, and community partners, have diverse yet interconnected interests. Customers are increasingly interested in sustainable and ethically produced products, while investors seek stable growth and long-term value. Employees value a supportive work environment with opportunities for growth, while our suppliers are committed to maintaining strong, mutually beneficial relationships. Throughout the year, Alcyone has actively incorporated stakeholder feedback into decision-making processes, ensuring that our initiatives align with their evolving expectations and contribute to shared success.

Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model (SBM-3)

Alcyone closely examined its material impacts, risks, and opportunities, ensuring they align seamlessly with our strategy and business model. Key material impacts included the shift toward sustainable production, regulatory changes, and technological advancements. The primary risks we faced were supply chain disruptions and regulatory compliance challenges, while opportunities arose from the growing demand for eco-friendly products and innovations in digital transformation. Our strategy incorporated these factors by enhancing supply chain resilience, investing in green technologies, and adapting our business model to stay competitive and compliant. This proactive approach helped Alcyone create long-term value while managing potential disruptions.

Description of the process to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities (IRO-1)

Alcyone undertook a comprehensive process to identify and assess material impacts, risks, and opportunities, ensuring our business remains agile and aligned with stakeholder needs. We began by conducting a stakeholder engagement survey, gathering insights from customers, employees, suppliers, and investors about key concerns and expectations. This input was combined with market analysis, regulatory reviews, and industry benchmarking to identify material issues that could significantly impact our operations. We then conducted risk assessments and scenario planning workshops to evaluate potential risks and opportunities, considering both short-term and long-term impacts. The results of this process were integrated into our strategic planning to ensure our business model remains resilient and forward-thinking.

Disclosure requirements in ESRS covered by the undertaking’s sustainability statements (IRO-2)

In 2023, Alcyone ensured full compliance with the disclosure requirements outlined in the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) within our sustainability statements. These disclosures covered key areas such as climate-related impacts, social responsibility, governance practices, and resource management. We provided detailed information on our environmental initiatives, carbon footprint reduction targets, employee welfare programs, and measures taken to enhance supply chain transparency. By aligning with ESRS requirements, Alcyone demonstrates its commitment to transparency, accountability, and the sustainable development of our business, ensuring that stakeholders are well-informed about our progress and ongoing efforts in these critical areas.

Certification (ESRS 2 Minimum Disclosure Requirements – MDR)

Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters (MDR-P)

Alcyone adopted comprehensive policies to manage material sustainability matters, focusing on environmental stewardship, social equity, and responsible governance. These policies include commitments to reduce carbon emissions, enforce ethical sourcing practices, ensure employee well-being, and foster diversity and inclusion, ensuring that sustainability is integrated into every aspect of our operations and decision-making processes.

Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters (MDR-A)

Alcyone took significant actions to address material sustainability matters, allocating resources toward renewable energy projects, supply chain transparency, and employee training on sustainability practices. These initiatives are supported by dedicated funding and partnerships to ensure effective implementation, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable growth and long-term value creation.

Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters (MDR-M) and Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets (MDR-T)

Alcyone utilized key sustainability metrics to measure progress on material issues, such as carbon footprint reduction, water use efficiency, and workforce diversity. We set specific targets and tracked the effectiveness of our policies and actions through regular performance reviews, ensuring accountability and continuous improvement in our sustainability initiatives.

Environment (ESRS E)

Transition plan for climate change mitigation (E1-1)

In 2023, Alcyone developed a transition plan for climate change mitigation, focusing on reducing carbon emissions by shifting to renewable energy, optimizing energy efficiency across operations, and investing in green technologies. Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035, with interim targets set to track our progress and ensure we meet climate-related commitments.

Actions and resources in relation to climate change policies (E1-3)

Alcyone implemented climate change policies by investing in renewable energy projects, enhancing energy efficiency measures, and allocating resources for employee training on climate-conscious practices. These efforts are supported by strategic partnerships and dedicated funding to drive effective climate action across all levels of the organization.

Energy consumption and mix (E1-5)

In 2023, Alcyone made significant strides in optimizing its energy consumption and diversifying its energy mix. Our total energy consumption decreased by 10% compared to the previous year, thanks to efficiency measures such as upgrading equipment and optimizing production processes. Additionally, we increased our reliance on renewable energy sources, with renewables now comprising 45% of our total energy mix. This shift aligns with our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and enhancing our resilience to energy market fluctuations, contributing to our long-term sustainability goals.



Total energy consumption from fossil sources



Fuel consumption from coal and coal products



Fuel consumption from crude oil and petroleum products



Fuel consumption from natural gas



Fuel consumption from other fossil sources



Net revenue from activities



Net revenue from activities in high climate impact sectors



Net revenue from activities other than in high climate impact sectors



Gross Scope 1, 2, 3 and Total GHG emissions (E1-6)

Alcyone closely monitored and reported its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Scope 1, 2, and 3. Our gross Scope 1 emissions, which encompass direct emissions from company-owned facilities and vehicles, totaled 10,000 metric tons of CO2e. Scope 2 emissions, primarily from purchased electricity, amounted to 7,500 metric tons of CO2e, reflecting our increased use of renewable energy. Scope 3 emissions, covering indirect emissions across our value chain, were estimated at 30,000 metric tons of CO2e. In total, our GHG emissions amounted to 47,500 metric tons of CO2e, and we are committed to reducing these figures through targeted sustainability initiatives and collaborative efforts.

Transition plan and consideration of biodiversity and ecosystems in strategy and business model (E4-1)

Alcyone's transition plan for climate action included integrating biodiversity and ecosystem preservation into our strategic goals and business model. We prioritized minimizing our environmental footprint by investing in nature-positive practices, such as habitat restoration and reducing land-use impact. Our supply chain was re-evaluated to support sustainable sourcing and minimize harm to natural ecosystems. By adopting these measures, we are aligning our climate goals with a commitment to preserving biodiversity, ensuring that our operations contribute positively to ecosystem resilience while driving sustainable business growth.

Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model (SBM-3)

Alcyone identified material impacts, risks, and opportunities that influenced our strategy and business model. Key risks included supply chain disruptions and regulatory changes, while opportunities arose from the demand for sustainable solutions. By integrating these insights, we refined our strategy to enhance resilience, foster innovation, and strengthen our commitment to sustainability, ensuring continued value creation.

Policies related to biodiversity and ecosystems (E4-2)

Health and safety metrics (S1-14)

Alcyone prioritized health and safety by tracking key metrics, including incident rates, employee training hours, and compliance with safety standards. These metrics ensured a safe workplace environment and helped us continuously improve our health and safety practices.



Health and safety management system, or certain parts thereof, has been subject to internal audit or external certification



Percentage of own workers covered by health and safety management system based on legal requirements and (or) recognised standards or guidelines and which has been internally audited and (or) audited or certified by external party



Percentage of people in own workforce who are covered by health and safety management system based on legal requirements and (or) recognised standards or guidelines



Number of fatalities in own workforce as result of work-related injuries and work-related ill health



Number of fatalities as result of work-related injuries and work-related ill health of other workers working on undertaking's sites



Number of recordable work-related accidents



Rate of recordable work-related accidents



Number of days lost to work-related injuries and fatalities from work-related accidents, work-related ill health and fatalities from ill health



Governance (ESRS G1)

Corporate culture and business conduct policies (G1-1)

Alcyone reinforced its corporate culture by promoting inclusivity, ethical behavior, and transparency. Our business conduct policies emphasize integrity, respect, and compliance with regulations, ensuring that all employees adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and accountability.

Prevention and detection of corruption or bribery (G1-3)

Alcyone strengthened its anti-corruption framework through rigorous policies and training programs aimed at preventing and detecting corruption or bribery. We implemented strict internal controls, regular audits, and a whistleblower mechanism to ensure transparency and uphold ethical standards across all operations.

Confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery (G1-4)

Alcyone is pleased to report that there were no confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery, reflecting our strong commitment to ethical business practices and effective preventive measures.

Political influence and lobbying activities (G1-5)

Alcyone maintained transparency in its political influence and lobbying activities, ensuring that all engagements were aligned with our core values and conducted in compliance with applicable regulations to support policies fostering sustainable development.