Explanation and principles

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Alcyone is a listed investment company focused on participation in companies that each focus on the deployment of professionals for the purpose of advising and supporting companies and organizations in specific sectors. Read more about Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Notes to the consolidated balance sheet

The development of intangible assets and goodwill in 2023 and 2022 is as follows: Read more about Notes to the consolidated balance sheet

Off-balance-sheet liabilities and assets

Alcyone NV is the head of the fiscal unity corporate income tax and turnover tax with Taygeta Holding BV and Taygeta BV. Read more about Off-balance-sheet liabilities and assets

Related parties

During 2023, there have been no transactions with related parties, other than those listed here. Read more about Related parties

Result per reporting segment

Up to and including 2021, the Group published segmented information with a split between consultancy activities and contracting activities. Read more about Result per reporting segment

Events after the balance sheet date

There were no events after the balance sheet date that are linked to the financial statements. Read more about Events after the balance sheet date