Related parties

During 2023, there have been no transactions with related parties, other than those listed here.

Member of the Supervisory Board

On 20 December 2019, David Gilmour was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board. Mr. David Gilmour is also a director of Mirach NV, which at the end of 2022 has a direct and indirect interest in Alcyone of 60% - 70%. For a detailed explanation, please refer to the Register of substantial participations and gross short positions on Mr. David Gilmour is also a shareholder of Alcyone through his personal company Mesarthim Holding BV.

By virtue of the position of Supervisory Board member at Alcyone in a personal capacity, Mr. David Gilmour received the applicable remuneration in 2022. For further explanation, please refer to the notes to the consolidated profit and loss account "Personnel costs", the Supervisory Board's Report and the Remuneration Report.

Loan outstanding

A loan was granted to Mirach NV by Alcyone in 2022. The arm's length principle was applied, so that the loan was concluded under market conditions. See the notes to the consolidated balance sheet "Loan outstanding".

Acquisition of the Sterope subsidiary

On 5 January 2023, Alcyone NV acquired a majority stake of 60% in Sterope Holding BV by acquiring the stake of major shareholder Mirach NV. Mirach NV, in turn, acquired this interest itself on 15 June 2022. Because Mirach NV is a major shareholder of Alcyone NV, this transaction is a transaction under joint management (TUCC). The purchase took place at the same price at which Mirach NV itself acquired the shares, plus the costs incurred and interest payment.